Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Very Mean and Un-Christmassy

TWWLUTR invited Him and Her in for a Christmas drink. They stayed for ages - Could see Them in CM's enormous conservatory - and got given nibbles too. Came back in the dark all giggly and tripped over the front steps. Forgot to bring me anything. And the house was cold because They turned off the heating as They went out.

Went and drank the water from the baby fishes' tank and kicked the food pot hard but the top didn't come off. Mean to show the garden birds where Her yellow crocuses are coming up. They like them lots. Dug a big hole in the soft earth by the kitchen door just before I went to bed. There's some bulbs there too. Large fur ball is called for too.


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