Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Various People Are Not Happy

Is feeling sorry for YP. So stiff these days and only turns to the right. Poor old moggy fell in My pond yesterday. Clambered out and did exactly the same thing again. If only it would go in the opposite direction. He rescued it and took it home in a towel.

TB decided to come under the fence rather than the back by the fruit trees. Big hole both sides and several rather squashed Christmas roses and daffodils. Everyone is cross with TB who is also unhappy in consequence.

Postman is Most Unhappy about the rats in the old wash house and is now refusing to leave any parcels in there. (Yesterday's got rather chewed. She was not pleased either.) Think He will have to Do Something. And Soon. So He is not happy either.


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