Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Dear Dear

Dear dear. She was so very cross about the state of the Music Room after He reversed the vac motor that She went out and spent lots of money. She certainly felt a lot better but Myself is not entirely sure how They will fit all the meat into Our medium sized freezer. (Steak last night for dinner and They gave some to Daughter too.)

He has obtained a new chicken house and run which He spent a long time screwing together on the lawn after most of the dust and stuff had been removed from the Music Room. (Still makes Myself sneeze. Her too. Cleaning lady will have lots to do next time she comes.) Just as well He finished it as the chickens were blown away again early yesterday morning. The new outfit is much lighter so They will not have so much difficluty moving it around. Myself investigated it thoroughly of course and was Not Amused to be carried out to the allotment in it. (He had some problems carrying it as His hand is still very sore where it got bitten during the vacuuming debacle.)


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