Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Pig and Pigeon

TB cleaned out its Chewing Shoe after the robins had left and is now carrying it around. Myself supposes that is to prevent anything else moving in.

On top of one of the old sheds is a weather vane in the shape of a pig on an arrow: A pigeon decided to sit on the back of said pig yesterday. Looked like a very overweight jockey. Unhappily it was rather windy and every time there was a sudden gust the pig spun round and the pigeon was nearly dislodged. Myself was highly amused to watch it struggling to maintain its perilous grip and flapping madly. It hung on determinedly for quite some time until a stronger gust sent it hurtling into the air like an old grey hat.

OLAHF is sulking.


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