Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Oh 2

Just happened to walk up the hill and bump into OLAHF which had gone out some time previously and had only just been seen coming back (Myself had been waiting for over an hour for it to reappear.) Casually mentioned (in passing) to OLAHF that TB and Myself are creatures of ineffably good breeding which is Immediately Obvious to anyone with the slightest pretensions to intelligence. OLAHF expressed absolute amazement, not to mention almost as much disbelief, and pointed out that its own pedigree stretches back many generations in Norway and that it has all the paperwork to prove it.


The fruit trees have been invaded by bull finches which are eating the flower buds as fast as they can swallow them. She is rather miffed but He has been taking photos by the dozen.


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