Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Lavender and The Explanation

OLAHF's fur is even more fluffy and sticky-outy than usual. And there is an extremely strong aroma of lavender when it moves. Was terribly glad to see Myself and TB late yesterday afternoon (though TB was entirely taken aback by the overwhelming smell and kept rubbing its nose with a paw.)

TWWLUTR and HWL (Husband With a Limp) came over for drinks last evening. Even after 3 bottles of wine HWL was still muttering and complaining about That Wretched Mog (aka OLAHF. Doesn't he know about OLAHF's many pedigree papers or doesn't he care?) which had apparently fallen into a big unused water tank on the allotment. And got stuck inside. HWL had to fetch a step ladder to get in and rescue OLAHF which since the tank had several inches of accumulated muck and rain water was not a pleasant undertaking. Especially at 5.30 am.

Hence the eerie moaning during the night and the early morning clanking.


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