Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Come Uppance

The 5th baby starling that had taken up residence under the fat ball in the weeping laburnum tree in order to repel all boarders has moved on. Not willingly, not happily, and very noisily indeed. And probably with a headache.

Kept up its little game for most of yesterday - and also munched through most of the fat ball so Myself is surprised it can still fly - until late in the evening. Then, just as dusk was falling and its brothers and sisters had gone to roost a large, extremely large, pigeon appeared on the scene. Landed heavily next to the fat ball for a snack. Naturally baby starling hurled itself upwards through the leaves and thumped it from beneath. With absolutely No Effect. The pigeon, quite unconcerned, merely continued eating. The baby tried again. And again. The pigeon continued eating. A slight pause ensued. The baby tried one more time. The pigeon neatly sidestepped and swiped it powerfully with beak and wing. It lost its footing and fell flappily to the ground in a murky brown heap. One more beakful and the pigeon too hopped down.

Exit starling, screaming horribly.


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