Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, November 09, 2008


The Fred brought in a couple of juvenile Freds to the feeding tray. Must be teaching them where the best food is at this time of year - Which reminds Myself that TYK's education has been on hold for too long. Shall Go Think how to continue it. Especially as last night it caused a Problem for Them:

Rather overestimated its own skills at tree climbing - At least, the climbing was fine, it was the descending that caused the brouhaha. (Antique way of saying great difficulties. Education again.) It had climbed to the very thin - and unfortunately horribly brittle -twigs at the top of the old pear tree. Had lain there for a while, front paws crossed as usual, smiling down at everything below as it swayed gently in the breeze, but then discovered an itch on a back leg. Twisted round to scratch it and the twigs broke and TYK slithered and crashed down several feet. Tried to grab a twig but missed and fell another couple of feet. Panicked and descended still further down. Scrabbling wildly. Was finally halted by a fork in the trunk, half way up and half way down. And well out of reach of safety. And there it stayed. And shouted and shouted and shouted. (We had forgotten how loud its voice is and came running.) She tried to coax it down with fresh tuna. (Mental note to do some shouting Myself.) But there it stuck. And at the end of a very trying half hour He fetched a ladder.

Was extremely difficult for Him to ascend as the pear tree has many branches which caught in His hair and beard and tore His (newly washed) jacket. At last He reached the stiff and motionless TYK and grabbed it. Yanked hard and it let go. Was tucked into His jacket and brought safely back to earth amidst General Rejoicing.

She gave it the tuna anyway and TB washed the green moss off its fur. Naturally Myself allowed it to sleep with Me through the night. Even though it snores horribly.


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