Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Friday, November 17, 2006

Righteous Wrath and Some Wine

That-Woman-Who-Lives-Up-The-Road (where CM resides) is horribly annoyed. TB dug under her fence yesterday and came up in the middle of her prized flower bed. If She is to be believed it has thus destroyed a life time's work not to mention half a dozen precious plants. (TB is a small beagle for heaven's sake. Not a darn great rhinoceros. Though to be fair to Her has seen the mess it made of its own garden so suppose it could have caused destruction on that scale in Hers.)

Anyway, last night She marched down the lane bearing some wilted remnants in Her gardening gloves. The neighbours were suitably apologetic (and equally horrified) and invited Her in. Some time (and several glasses of wine) later She went back home, still carrying the remains but not quite so apoplectic. He spent ages by torchlight mending Her fence.

TB is an exciting new addition to our neighbourhood.


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