Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Friday, December 29, 2006

Why? Number 2

Why? 'Tis the great question of the universe.

Why do They wrap things in paper only to unwrap them and throw away the wrappings? And why is this so much fun?

Why does She cook so much food? And why do They then leave the turkey, sausage meat, stuffing, ham, cheeses where I can reach them and shout when I try to join in with Them as They pick little bits?

Why does She (and He) (and the Daughters) give me luscious bits of turkey when They think no-one else is watching?

Today She made turkey and carrot soup with fresh cream and let me help.

Also let me help with the turkey pie They are having for dinner.

Tomorrow I am sad to say it will be fish for dinner. (Has not yet had quite enough turkey but there you go. All good things come to an end.) Why do They change the menu from turkey to fish when we all like turkey so much?

Why? 'Tis the great question of the universe.


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