Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Drains and Trains

She made Him look in all the drains yesterday to find the cause of the smell. 'Tis very overpowering. To no avail as it's under the cupboard in the corner of the music room. They went out for meals yesterday - Said She simply couldn't cook or eat in the stench. Myself too I find it offends my sensibilities. If I had thought about it I would have taken it out to the compost heap to dry out.

TB ran away on Saturday. But in a nice way. We were snoozing in Her herb bed when it suddenly lifted its snout and sniffed. Hard. Turned its head sideways a little and then took off at a gallop. Little geriatric beagle legs pounding over the newly (re-planted) onions. Earth and baby onions and floppy ears flying in all directions. Very intent on reaching something in the distance. I eventually located the something - 'Twas a small rabbit happily munching on someone's broccoli. TB was going like an express train when it reached the rabbit which made a neat sideways hop and disappeared down a hole by the fence. TB kept going and finally come to a halt when it hit some netting in a rather muddled way. It hunted and searched for a while and then came back, somewhat out of breath but rather satisfied. (Why? If I chase something I want to play with it. Or I'm hungry. Or both.)


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