Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Fracas With Tails

A slight fracas has occurred.

NLF chases anything and everything whether it moves or not. (When it isn't posing in front of His camera.) Yesterday morning it found the end of TB's tail. Spent a long time chewing, kicking and generally annihilating it. TB's tail looked very soggy and dishevelled when it had finished.

Yesterday afternoon it was moseying around looking for more prey and it discovered another tail under the bushes. Crouched, wiggled and pounced. Shame. The tail was not amused and leapt at NLF. Which went straight up in the air, its own silly little tail all puffed up like a tiny bottle brush. When it landed it got thumped. Hard. Twice. CM was not amused.


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