Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sitting and Watching and Waiting

The magpies are still waiting for another massive hand-out. Noisy they are too. NLF sits and watches them. They sit and watch NLF. TB sits and keeps an eye on NLF. Myself sits and watches them all. Have also spotted Her twitching the living room curtains so presumably She is doing some watching too.

Chez Moi He had a birthday prezzie of a smart new camera. Is delighted and has spent hours and hours and hours photographing anything He sees. I posed yesterday for Him on the lawn. Had to sit and wait for ages while He worked it all out but the end result was extremely flattering. (Rewarded Him with a mouse later on. Ate it under the kitchen table when He intimated He didn't want to photograph it.) She isn't as clever at it as Him - Tried to snap a pigeon on the bird table. Managed it lots of times but the trouble was that every shot was a photo of the bird's backside. Got slightly cross and went back inside to cook dinner.


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