Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Monday, July 02, 2007

Open Garden Day 2

When TWWLUTR's workmen left yesterday - by the back gate of course - one of them noticed a padlock on the gate. So he used it. Was the gardener who had been so very annoyed when She wanted him to move the enormous palm tree to a new hole after he had spent ages planting it (and it had stayed put) but he couldn't possibly have known that the padlock key had been lost years ago.

TWWLUTR normally likes Her privacy so has high hedges all round. Consequently no-one got to look at Her garden except through one small gate....... And She had spent pounds and pounds and pounds on plants, hanging baskets, bushes, that palm tree, a positive army of gardeners. Oh and 12 enormous koi.

Our garden was full of visitors all afternoon. Very appreciative they were too of My good breeding and friendly courtesy to them all.


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