Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Moaning Morning Meetings

Ally & Pally have started moaning again. Or rather, one of them has but Myself can't tell the difference between them. Like a cross between singing and clucking with a bit of groaning and hiccoughing thrown in for good measure. Problem is whichever one is doing it starts at dawn when it lays its egg. And carries on. And on. And on. And then My chickens get troubled by the fuss and join in. Much more loudly than is necessary since they know perfectly well what the noise is. This morning He got up earlier than usual and went and spoke to the people next door about it. Everyone had difficulty hearing each other and they had to talk very loudly. But 'twas perfectly amicable. They solved the morning's fracas by throwing water at all the chickens which worked very well. (Smell like wet washing now the sun is brighter.) Also came to the decision to shut all the wretched birds up each night. (Didn't please Him much that last bit, because He will have to mend the door which broke about 6 years ago.)

We Shall See What Happens. (Personally Myself would prefer Not Hear What Happens............)


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