Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


TWWLUTR has put out countless apples and even some almost-ripe pears for passers by to help themselves. But living on a very quiet lane means that the only visitors so far have been some blackbirds which have had a tiny peck at all the ones on the top. And a small mouse which had enormous difficulty climbing up the side of the basket and then disappeared inside among all the fruit. (Saw her yesterday afternoon putting those at the bottom of the basket. Surprised the mouse she did.)

Just about every other blackbird from miles around is in Our garden feasting on the fallen apples. She picked lots yesterday and made crumbles and pies and even soup. (Soup?) He picked all the corn apart from the badger-shredded ones. (Have a horrid suspicion She is thinking about apple and sweetcorn soup.....) But They thought of the badgers and left out a couple of cobs They found at the bottom of the freezer from last year which was kind.

NLF is becoming very hairy. Does this indicate a cold winter Myself wonders?


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