Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remorse and a Nasty Sight

A Remorseful Beagle is a droopy sight. It is now trying to think of a way to put things right with SOF. Can't see the point of that Myself - She doesn't realise TB had anything to do with the chaos and what she doesn't know won't hurt her. OLAHF wandered around also looking miserable. Came across YP (Yellow Peril) from next door and didn't even bother to reply when it was spat at. (Now if SOF wanted to blame something, Myself considers that YP would be an ideal candidate. Vulgar, rude, bolshy and with nasty little yellow eyes.)

7 Fredettes and 3 Freds this morning. They are eating up everything He puts out. Does this indicate a bad winter to come? Or are they merely extremely greedy?

Paused in My work to visit the chickens yesterday. Mistake. Not a Nice Sight. All scrawny and moulting. Feathers all over the place and bald patches where they were. (Have you ever seen a bald chicken's head and neck? And I shall draw a delicate veil over the view of the rear.)


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