Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Not Eating

Myself considers He would probably be much happier if They just shoved everything back in the old wash house and pretended there weren't any rats. But She is insistent They discover the full extent of the damage. (3 wheelbarrows full of diggings to date. Walls are not brick but clunch.)

TB re-appeared after its Christmas break distinctly plumper than when it left. It is destined to have a thin time of it for a while until it has regained its erstwhile silhouette. (Which reminds Myself to check out why the cat flap has shrunk.)

OLAHF gave up on the Freds & Fredettes when it discovered the goose fat nailed to the bird table. 'Twas its heart's desire apparently. Unfortunately it can't quite reach the table from the quince tree. Neither is it worth climbing the pole as there is a large overhang at the top. Currently it is just sitting beneath and dribbling.


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