Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


TB's Throwing Shoe is No More. Had been gradually disintegrating from enthusiastic chewings and throwings and after yesterday's exuberant displays was returned as a small piece of sloppy leather. TB chewed at it some more and then accidentally swallowed what was left. 'Tis now a confused and geriatric beagle which can't work out where the Shoe has gone.

Saw a bird sitting atop one of the lambs yesterday tugging out strands of wool from its back then flying away with a beakful. So much more tasteful than the bits of His hair trimmings She left out.

Woken at 5.30am again. They went out rather later to try to identify the BBC but as soon as They arrived all the BB's went inside the hut. They are Not Happy.


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