Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Waddle and Crash

A pair of fat pigeons is taking over My garden: Big, ungainly and with scarcely a brain cell between the two of them. Always walk one behind the other. Waddle waddle. Led by the female which is completely uninterested in the amorous advances of its partner. Waddle waddle. Male gets closer. Waddle waddle a little faster. Male even closer. Waddle waddle waddle as fast as its legs can go. (Why it doesn't think to fly is beyond Myself.) All over the lawn and amongst My plants. Like two silly clockwork toys.

The collared doves have returned to their nest in the fir tree. Both crash landed this morning and there was a moment when Myself could just see one of them inside the tree, tumbling and flapping down through the branches. The tree rustled vigorously for a few moments and then all went still.

Yesterday Our chickens dug up part of Her garden. She is rather cross. Bet they don't get let out again for quite some time.

Apparently Norway has its own breed of cat. Famous for long grey fur, size and energy.


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