Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not Hungry

Can't say for sure whether Myself will ever be hungry again after the bbq. Think They feel the same - Were intending to finish what was left last night but simply didn't fancy it. (Just as well as They were last in line to try out those bits. After the rats.) Fed it to the chickens which were delighted.

The great tits which have been shouting their fluffy little heads off for the last few days have all disappeared. Were last seen lined up along a clematis twig just outside their house. In various stages of feathering - Smallest one is still all spiky with no tail. Went over to assist but they all flew away. Even the tiny one: Lurched and fluttered a bit but made it to the top of the fence where it landed with a gentle thud. Didn't seem worth the bother of climbing up.


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