Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Seed Eaters

The hole by the corner of His shed is most definitely In Use. The entrance is well worn and clean and when Myself looked closely there is trail leading down the side of the greenhouse and to the lawn under the bird feeder. Events will prove it but Myself Suspects Rats.

The BOF (Big Old Fred) ushers 2 Fredettes in every morning and waits by the path to the end of garden while they feed and drink from the pond. Every so often it reminds them to get a move on by shouting, going up on tip toes and flapping hard. Doesn't always have the desired effect when they are specially hungry and it has to round them up.

There is also a Very Small Fred (VSF) which is submissive and terrified of BOF. Hides in the plants where it can't be seen and darts out for a mouthful of seed before scuttling back. A small fracas occurred yesterday when it arrived in the garden and rushed into the plants as usual: BOF was there already. Big squawks and much shaking of bushes and VSF erupted upwards. BOF emerged looking smug and extremely red around the gills.


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