Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Chickens, Annoyed Chickens and She Is Confused

She found the holes in the lawn the muntjak left. Is extremely confused about what could have made them. Spent ages looking at them and even went to far as to try out various sticks to see if they fitted the holes. Hasn't noticed the rather ravaged part of the back flower bed it went crashing through. Yet.

Why or why do They give Myself meat bits in jelly when They know I cannot stand them? Even the jelly is gross when it has been packed with unidentifiable meat and green peas. Happened a third time yesterday evening. Shall go prepare a big fur ball if it appears again today. (Chickens like the meat though and have quite a fight to get at it.)

WOONN is letting her chickens roam the allotments again. Is most amusing when they scatter in all directions as she tried to round them up. (Maybe Myself should offer to assist?) Our chickens get extremely annoyed when they see hers wandering just outside their pen and kick up a nasty din. Don't think He likes the noise much as He frequently comes out to shut them up. And to make sure hers aren't eating or having a dust bath on Our veggies.


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