Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Tragedy

He passed a while on His allotment yesterday supposedly planting out the corn but in reality feeding the blackbird. Not stupid that bird. As soon as anyone appears out there it's down with them waiting for worms.

As it was rather warm yesterday afternoon Myself was snoozing under a gooseberry bush so saw all that transpired.

He arrived with baby corn plants, a big fork and a little trowel. 20 seconds later the blackbird arrived. For the next 15 minutes He kept up a supply of worms which were gathered and taken back to the chicks. (Some of the worms were so fat it must have been a struggle to poke them down the offspring's throat. A nest full of obese blackbird chicks must be extremely crowded.) Then He got tired and wanted a rest. The blackbird didn't and kept up a slightly annoyed chuntering until He started digging again. But an Awful Accident occurred: The blackbird was impatient for more worms and hopped too close to the big fork just as He dug it into the earth. Was pinned down by one of the prongs.

Of the 3 of us He was the most aghast and yanked the fork free as fast as He could. The bird just lay there, one wing outstretched and with a foot pointing backwards. Still and unmoving, its bright yellow eye staring upwards at Him. With the ultimate irony of an enormous worm within reach of its now closed beak.

A tragedy. He leaned down to pick up the lifeless body. Which wriggled free of His hold, grabbed the worm and tried to take off. Somewhat difficult to do as the worm was gigantic and the blackbird had lost its tail feathers. (Was not a moment for sniggering and was a real struggle not to. Don't think anyone heard.)


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