Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 + 3

TB refused, utterly, to go for a 3rd long walk yesterday afternoon. Went into hiding - Rather, the front end was hidden, but a large portion of a rounded rump and podgy tail could still be seen so it was to no avail. Was pulled out from under the hedge and attached to its red lead. Whereupon it sat down with a heavy sigh and point blank refused to budge. The only thing that wasn't tried to get it moving was blackmail with a biscuit. TB came out the eventual winner. Quite some time later.

Meantime TYK continues to harass the 3 stroppy blackbirds which have united, disagreements forgotten, against the tiny mog. Makes going out into My garden a trifle dangerous as they dive bomb anything that moves. ('Tis not appreciated. Nor is it convenient or dignified for a Kitty such as Myself.)


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