Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Unwelcome Attentions

OLAHF might be a creature of extreme good breeding (though Myself rather doubts that in spite of the many papers it has to prove it) and far too much hair, but has absolutely no Social Skills or Graces. Whatsoever. Myself had been keeping indoors since the visit to the vet who had shaved My poorly tail. 'Tis much less painful now but had no intention of showing it to any of My friends. But in bounced OLAHF - large, happy, friendly as ever, wanting to know why Myself hadn't been joining in the Leaf Chasing Games. Tried to indicate that Myself was Not At Home to visitors but it took no notice.

Was very difficult keeping My nether regions out of sight.

TYK might be tiny but it can certainly shift - Occasionally transfers its attentions from leaves to the blackbirds. Which it bops more times than not. They are beginning to look rather tatty. And miffed.


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