Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Sight For Sore Eyes

A Sight For Sore Eyes - Him in welly boots, hands full of chicken pot and water jug plus a tatty cabbage plant He pulled up for the chickens, warding off lots of young Freds and Fredettes, all of which think His Sole Aim In Life is to feed them. Finally He threw a handful of seed across the allotment and they all raced, feathers fluttering and muddy feet pounding through the grass, to be the first to get to it, leaving Him able to feed Our chickens in relative peace. Except for BOF (Big Old Fred) which stayed close by (Was nearly trodden on) so it could get its head in the pot of kitchen scraps to see if there was any stale cheese in it.

She planted some crocus bulbs which the squirrels promptly dug up. But as they are not particularly hungry they left the bulbs uneaten. So She pushed them back in. Myself feels this game is very pointless and will probably go on for far far too long.


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