Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Friday, March 16, 2007

Possible Sighting of TB

Such a kind person as has just let me know about the Beagle in the News. Am hoping it is TB. And awaiting further information as to whereabouts. Thank you Anonymous.

Blackbirds have shredded Her moss on the flower pot. Left much of it lying around on the grass. And they still shout and clutter whenever I go outside.

Have found a good source of mice under Ally a& Pally's run. I can hide behind their hut and just lean out - and Hey presto! Don't think She is too pleased though. I take them into the kitchen and play for a while and then eat them beneath the old oak table. Am always careful to leave the remains in a neat little pile as was taught to be clean and tidy and am a kitty of superior breeding. But She gets cross. No understanding them at all. Or next door either - Since TB ran away they remember it as a totally different beagle and nothing will be too much if it returns. Instantly forgot the garden diggings, muddy paws and hairs. Very peculiar of them.


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