Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Slimy Frogs and Slimy Worms

Frogs are very noisy for their size. Slimy too. And make a big splash as they jump into the pond. Nearly joined them by mistake yesterday. Mice are definitely the better bet.

He is digging on the allotment every day. Every so often I go help but it's not terribly interesting. Digs, throws out weeds, digs again, drops things in the holes and covers it all up. The chickens enjoy it more than I do but then they are birds of very limited intelligence. Supremely delighted when one finds a worm and race around with it for a bit while the rest try to catch up before swallowing it.

Nothing more to report about TB. Think it was a hoax. Some people are so unkind.


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