Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What Goes Into Stomachs......

Still a trifle out of sorts. Shall go look for a snack by the old compost heap. That might settle it all down a bit.

Chickens escaped yesterday. (His story. Personally I think He forgot to put them away. But there you go.) They wreaked total havoc in His onion bed. What is it about chickens and onions? They don't like eating them, just dig them up and scratch around. Needless to say He is somewhat miffed.

She tried a new recipe which was an utter disaster. Then offered it to Me. What cheek. Naturally I turned it down without so much as a sniff. (Didn't taste good at all actually. Wet, chewy and with a funny after-taste.) So She emptied into the chicken pen.


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