Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Friday, September 07, 2007

Fishes and Flattening

Fascinating. The baby fish (not so baby these days) in the kitchen are changing colour. Two of them She caught in My pond and they were a sort of darkish boring brown colour. One of them is now very pale and the other has a black stripe down its back and is golden everywhere else. Shall have to have a much closer look.

What little that was left of the corn was completely flattened by the badgers last night. He is not at all happy but at least it means She won't be trying out a recipe for apple and sweet corn soup. (He gave most of His apple soup to the chickens and is still hoping She won't produce any more.) (They didn't like it much either and trod in it.)

TB disappeared for a day and is now returned to Us - Much slimmer and with absolutely no desire to gorge on windfall apples any more. NLF was still sticky when they got together but TB adores grapes and licked it clean for hours. Its long fluffy fur is now about as flattened as the corn.


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