Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lesson Time

Now that will most certainly teach WOONN:

She had spent a relatively unprofitable half hour attempting to round up her chickens. As always they were determined not to be put back in their pen and kept skipping neatly out of reach every time she bent down to pick one up. Our chickens were going ballistic meanwhile in their pen - They positively radiate hatred whenever one of the invaders comes nearby and shout and chunter and leap up and down banging their beaks on the wire in a vain attempt to Get Out and Get Them in what would most probably be internecine war.

After WOONN had fallen flat on her face - twice - in Our veggies He could watch no longer and went out to help. Wielded His pole with fleece flag attached with great aplomb and the silly birds all trooped back home. Immediately. WOONN was rather crestfallen and scooped up the final one. Cooed at it, stroked its revolting head, and then kissed it. (Had to avert My eyes.)

The chicken retaliated by pooping all down her (designer) silk shirt and pecked her hard on the hand.


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