Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Moods and Crash Landings

They got up very very late. In a bad mood. Spent much time clearing up and being grateful they had used the Not-So-Good plates and glasses as several had been broken. (By the same idiot as let the chickens out?)

Went to see TB - They were all still in bed too so tried his biscuits again (Still just as dreadful) and came back to the garden. Suddenly it is full of baby blackbirds who are pinging all over the place and crash landing in the bushes. The parents are watching them very closely so I won't be able to make friends.

Managed to hook some of the goo in the kitchen with a delicate claw. Tried to pull it out the bowl but was surprisingly heavy. Let go just in time before the bowl fell to the floor. 'Tis now balanced somewhat precariously on the edge of the window sill.


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