Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Winners - and A Loser

WOONN might be cross but not half as cross as Our chickens. She didn't notice Ours were out and let hers out too. As usual they came galloping across to Our pen to see what was on offer to eat. For a moment Ours didn't notice as they were having a glorious dust bath in a big hole under the horse chestnut tree.

But when they did.....

A moment's silence and then instant warfare and retribution: T'was horrible. The noise. The chaos. The flying feathers and flying chickens. She rushed over to protect hers (Not that they needed any protection as they were giving as good as they got in spite of being about half the weight) and He raced over from the shed (Haven't seen Him move that fast since the time the boiler blew up few years ago) with a big stick.

Squawks all round and He just bellowed. (Had the forethought to remove Myself from the near vicinity in case of accidents and was now an interested observer from the top of His compost heap where He had put the kiwi clippings.) Finally calm descended. Hers had gone home and Ours were left in sole ownership of the allotment. He rounded them up and directed them back to the pen. Just as He shut them in an earsplitting cry came from WOONN - She was one short.

Unfortunately it was inside Our hut having a quick snack. The ensuing riot was very noisy and only slightly muffled from being inside.


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