Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It frightens Myself, the intelligence with which I so correctly predict the outcome of a set of circumstances - Last night They were both moaning. Far far too much gardening in one day. Could have told them yesterday morning what would inevitably happen but They didn't think to ask. But moaning: how childish.

The noises from the other side of the fence are increasing in both volume and frequency. And with practice more sounds are being added to the repertoire. It made sleep after lunch a complete impossibility - Had just settled under the cherry tree when it started: yowling and yodelling; moaning and muttering. And scratching at the fence. 'Twas truly Appalling. Myself cannot think what kind of Large Animal makes such noises. Shall go investigate soon.

Why oh why oh why cannot She get it into Her head that Myself ONLY LIKES THE JELLY? Breakfast this morning was gross. Beef casserole! I ask you, who on earth thinks beef casserole is healthy food for a Kitty of Superior Breeding (even if there are no papers to prove it)?

TB is deeply unhappy about the lump on its head and complains mightily. And loudly.


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