Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Skulking and Sulking

OLAHF is keeping a low profile. Skulking in the thick bushes in its own garden and occasionally muttering to itself. Doesn't want to see anyone and after its behaviour I am certainly not going to visit. Myself is wondering whether it is actually Horribly Embarrassed by its own behaviour or just Sulking. TB - that kindly geriatric beagle - pushed the 3 pheasant tail feathers to the side of the shed where they would be safe until OLAHF decides to return.

The original owner of the feathers paid Us a visit yesterday. Looks Totally Silly without its tail and when it tries to fly is All Over the Place - Can't get any height, can't steer and can't land with any dignity. Personally speaking if Myself was making such a hoo-ha of a simple thing like flying I would only indulge in it where nobody could see Me. (But then not everyone has Such Delicate Sensibilities as Myself, a Kitty of Superior Breeding even if I have no papers to prove it. OLAHF might have far too many papers proving its provenance but they didn't help it behave with even a small suggestion of good manners.)


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