Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Monday, September 08, 2008

Not Understood

Myself and OLAHF spent a long time watching TYK yesterday. It just sits outside. And sits. And sits. And occasionally shouts but then gurgles and stops when hit by whatever it is She keeps in the jug by the kitchen door. In the pouring rain again yesterday it was just sitting. Dripping. And appearing rather disconsolate. Triste in fact. (French again.)

TB finally went to its back fence and wuffed. A small yellow head turned to look, a tiny pink mouth opened silently, and then it looked away again.

This situation requires Much Thought.

In the meantime OON is still scrubbing out his hens every day. It stopped raining in the afternoon so WOONN came out too. Brought a big bottle and they were perfectly happy for a while. Was quite funny later when they then tried to powder the chickens again. Definitely Chickens 1, Neighbours 0. They eventually went back indoors. Covered with more grey powder than had landed on the chickens.

Had a Horrid Happening early this morning. Went out onto the allotment just as the dawn was starting, in order to Check Things. All was calm and quiet and as it should be - and then Myself Saw It: One of the fruit bushes was glowing. Positively Glowing in the half light. Gave Myself quite a Nasty Turn. Have now removed most of the gooseberry twigs and prickles from My fur. Pushed the broken bits underneath where He might possibly miss seeing them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for TYK. I think hes lonely. maybe hes trying to sing to keep himself entertained because all the other cats are so mean to him!

7:03 PM  

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