Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mainly Fowl

Is feeling very much better today.

Have lost interest in the goo in the kitchen since it landed on the floor and She got cross. (Though the last time I looked the little black spots had changed shape and some appeared to be doing little wriggles. Odd.)

Fred is bossing its lady Fredettes unmercifully. Allows only about 5 minutes of eating before it ushers them back out. Funny to watch them jump when it shouts and rushes at them. One of them is a tad brighter than the other 2 and jumps sideways - Means that Fred can't see it and it returns to the food for another few mouthfuls before F turns around.

The chickens are let out daily by Him. All rush to the site of the old compost heap for a dig and then gravitate towards the remains of last week's bonfire for a dust bath. Funny yesterday - He wanted them back in the pen and waved a stick and found there was an extra dusty bird. One of the Fredettes had been in amongst our chickens. Started walking along with the others and suddenly realised what was going on and erupted straight upwards in a big squawking cloud. A glorious dusty panic ensued.


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