Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Monday, August 21, 2006

Pigeon Bombs With Bells Attached

Has very sorely tail still, but left enormous fur ball on Her side of the bed. Shouldn't have laughed when I got my end caught in the catflap.

Was horribly surprised by a pigeon today. Out and going through my garden to a good nesting site for an afternoon snooze when He suddenly upped and tried to catch me. That could only mean one of 2 things - Vet or flea spray (Painful or worse, in that order) so I ran. Down the path by the fence with Himself in pursuit. Half way was suddenly ejected through the air as bomb erupted beneath my feet. In fact not a bomb but a small pigeon who had just left home and still wanted mum to feed it. (Saw it earlier in the day walking down the lane. Why doesn't the stupid thing fly from A to B like any other self-respecting bird?) Needless to say He fell about with laughter so went and slept in the greenhouse on his aubergines. Had to leave though 'cos full of whitefly and they tickle. Watched pigeon for a while but decided it was too big to take on in my current delicate state. Will leave it for a day or two.

YP has another new collar. Green this time but still with a bell attached. Maybe senior fishy food pouches aren't as bad as I thought. It could be so much worse.


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