Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kiwi and Sardine

He trimmed the kiwi vine this morning so am now lying on the wheelbarrow taking in the heady scent. It gets better the older it gets (like Yours Truly) so by this evening I won't even be able to see Maggie, let alone see it off.

But it hasn't been around much for 2 days as the cherries are finished and She ran out of bird food. (Wish She would run out of senior fish food pouches too - since our return I have almost forgotten what proper cat food is like. Left most of a packet of sardine on the sofa during the night. Goes rather well with the upholstery.)

Fred is sprouting. Must be all this wet weather. Little prickly bits all round its scrawny neck. Think it's an improvement but am not sure.

He just took the wheelbarrow out to the compost heap so I could suck on the tiny bit of catnip that CM left. How kind. What prezzie can I give Him?


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