Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Friday, November 24, 2006

Big Digs in 2 Gardens

Ally and Pally are back in their pen. Dried out and somewhat fluffier than usual but just as stupid. The door is now closed with a padlock. 'Tis beyond me how 2 such daft birds managed to get out.

TB's patch next door is taking shape. A large part of its garden is enclosed with wire up to height of about 30 inches. The men came back yesterday and started to tidy everything up and the neighbours seem pleased. Wonder what TB will make of it.

TWWLUTR whose flower bed TB wrecked had people in to 'do it up'. 3 vans parked out front and absolutely massive amount of works taking place. Even a small mechanical digger removing soil at an alarming rate. (TB eat your heart out.) Surely one geriatric beagle cannot possibly have damaged all that. Now She has a water feature and some paving. Think they will be back to put in some plants. Must go help if the weather isn't too bad.


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