Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Friday, July 21, 2006

Lipstick and Humiliation

That Bird aka the magpie had Better Watch Out. If I can so easily chase CM from the premises then a magpie is peanuts. It might have bopped the squirrel for me but gratitude is not endless, especially when the magpie in question just happens to drop cherries on my head when I am snoozing beneath. Had had my daily medicinal catnip (Make note to ask Them to buy a bigger plant next time) and was happily resting when wham! not 1 but 2 half ripe cherries hit me on the head. Boy did it hurt. Looked up and got a ripe one on my delicate little nose. He and She fell about laughing. And when I saw myself in the pond found my nose was cherry-coloured. Talk about humiliation. Looked like a gin-swigging old bat on Southend Pier with badly applied lipstick.
Hid in bushes for rest of the day and left wet furball on Her clean washing.


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