Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Monday, February 23, 2015


Oh dear. I suspect I rather overestimated my strength. (Must be all the peanut butter on toast.) Climbing the tall plant by the conservatory door was fine, so was the next one though coming down was a tad tricky, but the third was a spindly variety. (Can't imagine why She keeps such a manky specimen.) I was half way up when it bent and dropped me in the pond water She keeps for the pitcher plants. Unfortunately the bowl was already full with one of said pitcher plants. There was a bit of a splash and the heater went Pop with a flash and funny smell.

I pushed the broken bits of plant and bowl under the sofa and tried to help all the water disappear with delicate paw movements but it left long muddy streaks. When She saw She screamed. I tried to explain it was the fault of the spindly plant but then She saw the big leaves on the second one that had somehow got rather shredded.

How unfair. She pushed me out of the Kitty Flap and LOCKED IT.


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