Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Monday, December 08, 2008


Very cold again last night. TYK went out at dawn (of necessity) and returned shivery and slightly damp where the frost had melted on its paws. NOT Nice. It snuggled back into Our comfy basket and kept Myself awake for a time as it curled round and settled down on My feet as usual.

When We both finally emerged the heating had been on for a long time and it was lovely and warm. Had breakfast (Jelly. In My antique Royal Worcester bowl. TYK eats from another, similar but smaller. And has a chip on the rim.) Ventured outside as We could see OLAHF motoring around happily. And slipping as it tried to corner, too fast as always, on the frosty grass. TYK discovered the pond was completely frozen over and naturally had to investigate. Patted it a few times with a cautious paw and finally tested its strength with both front feet. Looked slightly apprehensive and Myself doubts it would ever have gone further but OLAHF skidded (again) and hit it broadside. Was sent, spinning, over the surface until it collided with a clump of rushes. Myself (with such superior breeding and upbringing) was very well aware that to laugh would have been unkind as We watched it try, time after time, to stand up again.

Succeeded with the assistance of another clump of rushes and exited. Carefully. Extremely.

Had Absolutely No Desire to emulate (Yet more Education) it.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Mut and Mog

Although 'tis difficult to admit, Myself is in awe of the Teamwork between TB and TYK. The Mut chases the rat as it emerges from beneath the chicken hut, downs it with a hefty (and extremely dirty) paw and then the Mog dispatches it with a bite to its neck. (From painful experience Myself knows only too well how sharps TYK's tiny teeth are.)

Was truly, disgustingly cold last night. Nested in My comfy basket in company with TYK which unfortunately snores like a dynamo but is remarkably good at keeping My paws warm.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Rats Are Back

The Rats Are Back. Fat, brown and glossy. And living in luxury beneath the chicken hut. So TB is out there at all times of the day in company with TYK. (The latter more in hope than anticipation Myself imagines as the rats are about the same size as itself.)

But 'tis extremely muddy and Not At All Suitable for Myself with such delicate paws.

OLAHF on the other hand is gloriously happy. And motoring around at topmost speed again, occasionally executing a rather clumsy 4-paw drift when it hits a more than usually slippery part.

Friday, December 05, 2008


OLAHF eventually condescended to return indoors. However as it was a cold and frosty evening it had gone stiff and spiky as the wetness froze. Looked interesting if a tad uncomfortable. TWWLUTR was not impressed and even less so when OLAHF left a damp and dirty residue on her pale and hitherto (More Education) immaculate living room carpet.

TYK had eaten too much dinner and was sick underneath Her duvet. So She was annoyed too. But extremely grateful They now have a new washing machine.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Yesterday the rain was of almost Biblical Proportions. (More Education) Had Absolutely No Intention of going outside so decided to snooze on Her duvet. (Newly washed as They now have a washing machine again. Has been in almost constant use since it was delivered 24 hours ago.) Unfortunately TYK had already had much the same idea - But had nested underneath the duvet - and since it is only tiny had not been visible among the other lumps and bumps. It was completely understanding however and only slightly breathless when it emerged from beneath Myself.

OLAHF, still in a foul mood, refused to go inside and sat in the pouring rain. Next to the shed. In a muddy patch. And exactly below the drips from the roof. Consequently is now nothing like its washed, brushed and totally clean self of yesterday.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Not Happy

We shall Maybe Never Know what OLAHF was thinking of when it so studiously kept rolling in the dead leaves under the hedge. Yesterday it was pushed, rustling and protesting, into its carry-cage and taken to the Kitty Kare Centre. Returned several hours later in a completely foul mood. But very very clean, shampooed and brushed. And rather smelly. In an almost interesting Just-Been-Washed way. TB thought it smelled interesting too and got heavily swatted on its nose for getting within range. Went and sat in the garden and rubbed its nose with a grimy paw.

OLAHF also went and sat in the garden - On the other side - and muttered darkly to itself. And snarled if anyone got too close. TYK offered a small mouse it had been saving for a rainy day but even that was rejected.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Scrubblings, Scatterings and a Bop On The Head

Managed to nip into the bathroom to help Her as She showered. She was a trifle surprised to find Myself in the middle of the carpet but seemed quite pleased and scrubbled Myself for a long time, then turned on the tap for a drink. But the basin had grown taller during the night and it was impossible to jump up to it. Sat and waved a paw a few times and She got the idea very quickly - Picked Myself up and gently put Me in the basin. The water ran down the side of My head and into an ear but tasted wonderfully refreshing. Nested in Her duvet for a snooze.

TB continues its attentions to the Freds & Fredettes every morning. Is now remarkably adept (Education) at scattering them far enough for Him to feed Our chickens without interruption. Apart from the big old mean one which takes Absolutely No Notice of TB and just waits for the pot of scraps in case it contains any stale cheese.

TYK smiled at the robin for Far Too Long yesterday which consequently got terribly cross and bopped it on its little yellow head.

Monday, December 01, 2008


Yesterday the weather was Dreadful so Myself snoozed on His lap while He had breakfast, elevenses and lunch in My conservatory. (Was hardly worth His while getting up in between in My Opinion.) At one point the garden was invaded by Dozens of long-tailed tits. Pretty little things - grey, white, black with a hint of pink and fluffy all over except their tails (To Die For the length of those tails) - but so Noisy. And Busy. Woke Us both up. TYK got extremely excited and erupted through the cat flap. But nothing like fast enough to catch one so it pretended it hadn't wanted to and wandered off to smile at the robin. Which was also very noisy when it saw TYK. For far too long.

OLAHF sauntered, rustling as it always does these days, past the end of the garden. Wish We could work out what is going on in its brain to prompt its Odd Behaviour.