Very cold again last night. TYK went out at dawn (of necessity) and returned shivery and slightly damp where the frost had melted on its paws. NOT Nice. It snuggled back into Our comfy basket and kept Myself awake for a time as it curled round and settled down on My feet as usual.
When We both finally emerged the heating had been on for a long time and it was lovely and warm. Had breakfast (Jelly. In My antique Royal Worcester bowl. TYK eats from another, similar but smaller. And has a chip on the rim.) Ventured outside as We could see OLAHF motoring around happily. And slipping as it tried to corner, too fast as always, on the frosty grass. TYK discovered the pond was completely frozen over and naturally had to investigate. Patted it a few times with a cautious paw and finally tested its strength with both front feet. Looked slightly apprehensive and Myself doubts it would ever have gone further but OLAHF skidded (again) and hit it broadside. Was sent, spinning, over the surface until it collided with a clump of rushes. Myself (with such superior breeding and upbringing) was very well aware that to laugh would have been unkind as We watched it try, time after time, to stand up again.
Succeeded with the assistance of another clump of rushes and exited. Carefully. Extremely.
Had Absolutely No Desire to emulate (Yet more Education) it.