Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Friday, March 30, 2007

Some Creatures Will Not Take No For An Answer

The robins are glued into their little nest in His old flower pots. Take turns to sit there. And the fuss every time I get anywhere near has to be heard to be believed. They simply will not accept I am not interested in seeing what's going on - Some creatures will not take no for an answer.

The old rat under the cupboard is getting a little strong even for me. Yesterday She arrived home with cans of room freshener and sprayed everything in the house. (Didn't work.) Myself I don't like the hiss the cans make so I went to visit TB for a while - Is still very happy and feeling loved again. By them both.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Smell Gets Stronger

Don't think She is any too happy about the rat in the corner of the Music Room. Spent ages yesterday sniffing around, trying to find the source of the smell. Tried to show Her where it was but She didn't take any notice. Certainly the smell is stronger day by day.

Invited TB round but it couldn't get through the cat flap so we lay down under the cherry tree for a while and watched the birds. Those Freds and Fredettes are so engrossed with each other they don't even realise we are there.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Funny smell in the Music Room. Tracked it down to an old rat under the cupboard in a dark corner. Must have been there for a few days. Remember playing with it but then it wandered off. I'll keep it for a rainy day.

My nose is a greenish colour. And it smells a bit odd too. Next door was painting the new fence panels He put up and when I put my nose to a hole it got painted too. That was not kind. Was only going to offer to help. (Extremely glad YP was not around to see.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Feathered Inhabitants

The robins have taken up residence in one of His old flowerpots under the garden bench. Noisy little things and dive at me if I walk past. Shall maybe use the other path for a while.

Blackbirds are equally noisy and now inhabit the juniper bush by the pond. So that's another no go area.

Bluetits finally accepted the nesting box She put up on one of the old sheds. Spent last year customising it by making little dints all round the opening and decided this spring to use it. In and out all day. Makes me feel dizzy to watch.

Freds spend hours a day herding their Fredettes around and bossing them back into the bramble patch. Is sure they can't realise how very silly they look when they puff up and droop one wing as they walk in stiff-legged circles.

Thank heavens for TB - It might be a geriatric beagle but it has more sense and sensibility than all those bird brains put together.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Very much better today. Called in to see TB early this morning. Extreme sympathy was offered and gratefully received. TB's young man even gave me a drink of milk and made me a marmite lick from his breakfast plate. So civilised.

Must make sure to go outside later and check on what has been happening over the last couple of days.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Swore and Bit Him

Yesterday my face swelled up where YP scratched me. Very very painful. Made my eye water. In the afternoon They took me to the vet but by the time we got there I had scratched it. Very messy. Vet thought so too and insisted on washing it despite my many protests. Painful. Then he gave me an injection so I swore and bit him. Heard Her apologising as I was thrust back into my carry-cage.

This morning is much improved and I quite enjoyed licking the jelly off my breakfast. Wonder if the vet still hurts?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Very Sorely

Am not happy. My face is even more sore than yesterday and eating is difficult.

He put in new fence posts and panels but I didn't have the enthusiasm to go help. Passed most of the day on Her duvet.

The robins seem to be clearing up after the ravages of the blackbirds which stole much of their nest. Maybe I shall go look later on.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Ouch. Have a painful face where YP scratched me yesterday. It saw me again last night as I went out just after dusk (those yellow eyes see surprisingly well in the dark) and spat in its usual badly-bred fashion. TB was totally sympathetic with my injury and gave me a gentle lick on the sore bit. For a beagle it is the most kind, understanding animal. We sat together on its new furry rug for a while in the kitchen and then I came home through the back of the bushes just in case YP was still around.

The robin's nest is starting to spill out of the flowerpot. Most untidy. Saw a blackbird helping itself to a few pieces this morning. Lucky for it the robins didn't notice. Vicious little things they are.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

YP is Nasty. Very

YP next door is a nasty piece of work. Hid behind one of the remaining fence panels and ambushed me. Managed to scratch my face before I subdued it (Kitty Karate, me) and then it ran away in a very cowardly fashion. Later, when I came down from the tree it was still hiding and waiting. Shall use the other path for a while.

A robin has nested in the old pots under the garden work-table. Went to make friends but it wasn't a nice bird so I shall leave it to its own devices.

TB is so so happy - and I even caught Her giving it a quick cuddle yesterday. There's a first!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

No Fence and a Pair of Doves

Boy oh boy does TB look smart in its new collar and lead. And very very happy.

The wind blew down part of our fence yesterday. On Yellow Peril's side. Nasty. Extremely nasty, having to watch that cat prowling along the edge of its territory. Wish I could convince it that I have absolutely no desire to take over its plot. But it snarls and spits. How rude. Maybe I could enlist TB's help.....................

A pair of collared doves is trying to move into Ally & Pally's pen. When the door is opened to let them out the doves arrive and walk in and stuff themselves silly on chicken feed.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Exhausted But Happy

All those celebrations yesterday have made me quite exhausted. But it is truly wonderful to have TB home. It is sporting a very snazzy new collar She bought, and I understand there is a matching lead. It is also true that She made it a present of That Fluffy Rug - This morning there are a few tell-tale long pale hairs sticking to TB.

It was glad to see Myself too. A beagle of rare discrimination. I look forward to sitting in happy companionship in the garden later on.

Sunday, March 18, 2007



TB is returned to us! Thinner. Sore of paw. Incredibly dirty. But DELIRIOUS with happiness.

The really nice policeman who lives in our village turned up yesterday evening with TB in tow. He was hugged by just about everyone including Myself. (Which made his trousers rather white when I rubbed against them.) Then we all took turns to hug TB. Its tail didn't stop wagging and it was so happy it went all squirmy.

TB was found part way up the M11, several miles north of Cambridge, sitting on the verge and howling. How it got there will forever remain a mystery but it is SO GOOD to have it back. Its paws are very sore and it hasn't stopped eating yet. today They are going to buy it a new collar to say Welcome Home.

She brought That Fluffy Rug (that caused all the upset) out of the living room and insisted TB sat on it. Think it now belongs to TB for ever and ever. Then She burst into tears and had to be comforted by Him. At which point it became very necessary for Myself to go home. (Cannot stand that sort of noisy fuss.) Shall call by later to remind it how much we have missed it.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Slimy Frogs and Slimy Worms

Frogs are very noisy for their size. Slimy too. And make a big splash as they jump into the pond. Nearly joined them by mistake yesterday. Mice are definitely the better bet.

He is digging on the allotment every day. Every so often I go help but it's not terribly interesting. Digs, throws out weeds, digs again, drops things in the holes and covers it all up. The chickens enjoy it more than I do but then they are birds of very limited intelligence. Supremely delighted when one finds a worm and race around with it for a bit while the rest try to catch up before swallowing it.

Nothing more to report about TB. Think it was a hoax. Some people are so unkind.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Possible Sighting of TB

Such a kind person as has just let me know about the Beagle in the News. Am hoping it is TB. And awaiting further information as to whereabouts. Thank you Anonymous.

Blackbirds have shredded Her moss on the flower pot. Left much of it lying around on the grass. And they still shout and clutter whenever I go outside.

Have found a good source of mice under Ally a& Pally's run. I can hide behind their hut and just lean out - and Hey presto! Don't think She is too pleased though. I take them into the kitchen and play for a while and then eat them beneath the old oak table. Am always careful to leave the remains in a neat little pile as was taught to be clean and tidy and am a kitty of superior breeding. But She gets cross. No understanding them at all. Or next door either - Since TB ran away they remember it as a totally different beagle and nothing will be too much if it returns. Instantly forgot the garden diggings, muddy paws and hairs. Very peculiar of them.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Last night was the first night we haven't heard faint howling from TB. We try to hope but it becomes increasingly difficult. Next door took yesterday off work to continue searching.

What rude blackbirds - Have taken to watching out and cluttering whenever they see me. Since they are currently removing the moss from Her bulb pot on the table it means I can't go outside without every other bird in the neighbourhood knowing about it. Certainly makes bird-watching a difficult hobby. Shall repair to the compost heap and wait for a rat.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Still No TB and a Bop From a Blackbird

Faint howling again last night from TB. Was awake and worrying for hours about that sad beagle. Even wandered out to see if I could hear which direction it came from. Next door are still spending every available minute searching. Have also put adverts in the papers and around the village.

Got too close to the blackbirds yesterday afternoon and one tried to bop me on the head. How unkind - Was only watching their nest-building efforts.

Monday, March 12, 2007

No Sign

No sign of TB but it has been heard a long way off, howling. Next door have spent hours and hours looking for it. I called round to offer support and he scratched my neck as usual but his heart wasn't in it. We are all very worried.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

TB Has Gone

TB has disappeared. Heard them calling out for it for ages last night and he also drove around looking. Went to help but they were too busy. Hope nothing terrible has happened. It has certainly been a very unhappy beagle since the incident of the muddy carpet.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Curled Up All Small

Didn't go to comfort TB after all - It came to me. All sorrowful and droopy. Not waggy as usual. So I lay down under the cherry tree with it and it curled up as small as it could next to me. Its young man came in and collected it at tea-time. He sat down too for a while and scratched both our necks. Think he was in disgrace as well.

The blackbirds are building a nest in the juniper bush. Vicious birds and vicious bush. Don't think I'll bother with trying to get to know the babies when they hatch. Not fond of that sort of unpleasantness.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Poor TB

It wasn't TB's birthday. And being allowed to sleep in the living room wasn't a special treat. Heard the woman screaming when she got back from work.

Poor TB. Shall go offer support and comfort later today.

Need to investigate the juniper bush - Blackbirds keep going in with things in their beaks and coming out without them.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Special Treat For TB

What a nice afternoon. After I had returned the bird to the compost heap I popped back to see TB. Was snoozing in front of its fire in the living room. So I joined it on a new, pale brown, deliciously soft and hairy rug. TB is usually shut in the kitchen so it must have been its birthday or something and it was let out as a special treat.

(Wonderful to make the acquaintance of a dog which doesn't snore.)

We stayed there for a couple of hours and then I started to feel in need of a snack. TB's food being so utterly unpalatable I went home. Noticed the new rug was no longer quite so new looking and distinctly muddy. Though the pattern of 2 different paw prints was rather artistic. Specially mine.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More Seed and a Rejected Offering

Gosh, was He cross when He realized the Freds and Fredettes had eaten the grass seeds. Then spent ages re-seeding it. Has now put more peat on, and a net on top.

Couldn't find a mouse for TB so offered it the bird I had been saving. Funny animal - Absolutely no interest in it at all. Must be that its taste buds are permanently damaged from those dreadful biscuits it gets. (Took the bird back when it wasn't looking.)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Bikkies and Seeds

Tried TB's biscuits again but still disgusting. Poor animal. Will bring it a mouse later today.

He put down grass seed on the worn out bits of our lawn. Covered it with peat and trod it down. Thought it was to make it grow again but I was wrong - A game for the Freds and Fredettes apparently. They spent hours scraping and digging at it to find the seeds.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Possible Reasons for Dimness

TBYM was in his back garden last evening so of course I popped in to say hello. Wrapped myself around his legs a couple of times, got my neck scratched and then followed him into the house. TB was please to see me as always. (Bit waggy and a bit wuffy.)

Had a good look round their kitchen - smaller than mine but very cosy - and tried TB's biscuits. Admittedly they looked a bit licked but hadn't been chewed. Think these must be why it's such a dim dog. Gross gross, gross. Crunchy for sure, but don't taste of anything much apart from dog. Its water was just as bad. Shall have to bring it some of my bikkies. (Would invite it round but that cat flap is getting too small for me never mind a geriatric beagle.)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Companionship

Furthered my friendship with TBYM (TB's young man.) He was out on the allotment having a gentle tidy-up so I wandered over. Stopped work immediately and scratched my neck like before. Glorious. Stayed and helped him for half an hour and then went to find TB in its own back garden.

Was greeted with a smile and a wuff and we sat in happy companionship until it started to rain.

Back home to sleep in my lovely bed on the radiator. It no longer smells of washing powder.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Smiles and Scratching

Met the young guy who lives with TB this morning. Were out for a walk and TB turned left into my back garden as usual. Sat in its spot and smiled. So I went over to say hello. Boy, does that guy know how to treat a cat of superior breeding. Rubbed the back of my neck in exactly the right spot he did. The neighbourhood is starting to look up.

TB has remarkably fine manners for a beagle too. It just sat and waited while my neck was scratched then got up and followed the guy out.

Shall have to further my acquaintance with the pair of them.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Dent in Muddy Lawn

TB comes in, regular as clockwork. Stops part way down the garden and smiles and waves its tail at me. Is making a little dint in the lawn where it sits. A hollow that is definitely TB rear-end shaped.

Wasn't raining yesterday so went out to say hello. Rather charming - It greeted me with a gentle wuff. We sat together in quiet companionship and then it got up and wandered out.

Wonder what it wants. Does it know? Maybe I should make a return visit.