War is declared! TWWLUTR has struck again. She and Us are both opening our gardens in the village show tomorrow and TWWLUTR has done nothing but copy Our ideas for the last couple of weeks. Few days ago it was a palm tree. Then hanging baskets in the same colours as Ours that we planted up Ourselves in March. Yesterday She tool delivery of a banana plant for the conservatory - Larger than Ours naturally - and 12 enormous koi carp for the new pond. More money than sense. But what can you expect from someone who feeds the cat (Cowardly Mog it's called. Tells you all you need to know) steak and salmon in an over-large conservatory................
Popped round to see TB last night. Still chomping happily on its big bone it got from TWWLUTR as a reward for saving NLF.
Can't understand TWWLUTR at all.