Corrie & Comfrey's Kitty Tales

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The TYK grows in strength daily. Was up to patting a small dried leaf OLHF brought round. Not very far admittedly and as soon as it was out of reach it lay down again, but We all took the Thought For The Deed.

He spent few happy hours clearing out the greenhouse. And discovered various live things st the same time: A couple of mice (neatly removed by OLAHF), a very large cantankerous frog (hurriedly ignored by Myself), and a toad (TB wouldn't listen and then wished it had as toads taste perfectly gross), not to mention the usual horde of spiders and other hangers on. She came out and after falling down the rat diggings rescued various tomatoes which They ate last night in a sauce. (Rather spoiled the meat in My opinion but They seemed to enjoy it.)

One of them next door ventured out onto the allotment but went back in when he found he was being steadily regarded by several pairs of unfriendly eyes.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Now where Shall Myself start?

And She too has also been saying that (with monotonous regularity) ever since We got back on the internet after lunch today. (And don't, DO NOT, ask Her about aol. Will get a frightening and extremely scary response. Particularly since She is still having to pay them 'til such time as the nice engineers can transfer everything onto the new provider. Today's nice engineer is called Terry. Ate all the biscuits and had 4 sugary coffees but knows exactly where to scrubble a Kitty of Superior Breeding so he must know what he is doing.)

And now to start:

TYK was awfully poorly for a long time - Sneezed, shivered, coughed, and was hopelessly miserable - and She called in the vet. Refused point blank to take the poor little thing to the surgery and insisted (at huge expense) he came here. Which he did. TYK did not like the injections and voiced its disapproval as loudly as it could - which was in fact terribly quiet and weak-sounding - but is now well on the way to what We all expect will be a complete recovery. Is beginning to take an interest in things again particularly as its yellow eyes have finally stopped running. (Myself cleared away all the presents TB and OLAHF brought round as they were starting to get somewhat smelly.)

The people next door who created all the problems for TYK are keeping a very low profile. ONN is watching them most carefully. As are TB, OLAHF, Him and Her, and, naturally, Myself.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sneezes and Gut Ache

TYK has a nasty, wet, runny and sneezy cold. Poor little thing. Myself was awoken during the night as it came and joined Me. (Turned My head away from the sneezing. Just in case.) Got up really carefully at breakfast time so as not to disturb it.

TB has gut ache. (No surprise there.) Ate several of the fizzy windfall apples - Think it was trying to discover whether they all had that funny taste. They did.

The people next door had another big row - With ONN this time. ONN won of course (Can be remarkably fierce at times.)

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Novel Experience

'Tis a novel - and remarkably warming - experience to be adored by a tiny kitten. TYK stares at Myself with its bright yellow eyes for what feels like hours on end, occasionally opening and shutting its little pink mouth. But not much sound comes out. (Thank heavens) But whatever important task Myself is engaged upon I go straight to its warm and comfy basket every time - new, courtesy of Her and Him. Very smart pale blue with darker edging around the opening and a patterned fleece inside that covers sides and roof too. And a snuggle blanket Myself donated. (Is the one She used by mistake that first evening but Myself does not begrudge it) - to reassure the tiny thing. Is so skinny Myself can feel all its bones when I wash it and it now has a snuffly nose too (Washes that for itself for which I am truly grateful) no doubt a consequence of being locked out in all the rain. It spends a long time sleeping each day which is a trifle worrying and is somewhat unsteady on its legs but seems happy to be here.

TB and OLAHF called round (prompting Her to ask sarcastically whether they had moved in too. But She had just dropped a souffle on the floor as OLAHF galloped in at topmost speed so We know She doesn't really mean it) bringing a leaf and a corner of (unappetising) dog biscuit. TYK smiled gently in thanks and curled up again after a small sneeze so We 3 went outside. The garden is full of birds eating the windfall apples. TB tried one but it was slightly fizzy and had an odd taste.

TWWLUTR (+ large family) and ONN (+ family which includes those awful dogs which demolished the chicken) and the Peculiar Owners of said chicken are all about as furious as Her and Him with the people next door.

Friday, September 12, 2008

TYK Has Moved In With Us

We all slept long and late after the fracas of last night. My snuggly basket was put next to TYK's little box at My own insistence - Just in case. Part way through the night Myself was half woken by a tiny scrabbling as a little body insinuated itself between My front paws and settled down with a gentle sigh and a quiet sneeze.

The people next door (Myself will not glorify them with capital letters) demanded the return of TYK and got very short shrift from both Him and Her. (Much guilt is also in evidence after She kept throwing something from a jug at TYK every time it shouted.) They both went out later for a proper basket and kitten food. And Myself has donated a little antique bowl I had been saving for just such a Special Occasion.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cold and Scared and Lonely

Such a To-Do late yesterday evening. Put all thoughts of anything else right out of My mind. And was the first time Myself has ever heard Him really angry. Her too.

TYK was the subject of the near brawl with the people next door.

It had been lying down by its back door in the rain again and She was worried that it wasn't moving. Went - bravely - right to it and picked the tiny thing up. Tried to push it through its cat flap. But it was jammed shut. Kicked it. Thumped it. But to no avail. Shouted for Him. He couldn't open it either. And by now They were both soaked in the rain. And TYK was still lying in Her other hand.......

After about half an hour TYK finally started moving. She had it on a hot water bottle on Her lap, wrapped in a soft woolly scarf. Opened its little pink mouth and made a tiny sound. Myself, TB and OLAHF had all been watching and there was a big exhalation of breath and a feeling of general happiness. By 10 pm all was well and it had stopped shivering and had drunk some warm milk from one of My antique bowls. (Myself was so pleased to be able to offer it.) They made it a little comfy bed in an old box and settled it down. Went fast asleep without even washing its paws. TB wuffed (from a distance so as not to scare it) and OLAHF sniffed it gently. Then they both went home. Myself - naturally - stayed close by.

At 11 pm (hours past Our usual bedtime) TYK's people arrived home. Him and Her went round straight away. Myself cannot believe the fury and anger. TYK's cat flap was nailed shut. (Explains its shouting. Is not evil but a cold, scared and lonely little baby. And none of Us had realised.)

Think it will be living with Us from now on.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Retribution Will Come In Time

Is working on Retribution for being shut in His greenhouse all night. Need to think of something Truly Awful.

TYK looks droopy. And cold. Why doesn't it go inside? But at least it has ceased that dreadful menacing shouting (So She has put away the jug that was by the kitchen door. TYK gurgled and went quiet every time She threw the contents over the fence. Myself never did get to find out what was in it) and just watches Us from behind its gate. Somewhat un-nerving - Each time Myself turns around its bright yellow eyes are staring straight at Myself. If it weren't such a tiny little kitten Myself would keep well away from that Evil Glare. But am Not Afraid.

OLAHF chased a leaf almost into its garden yesterday. It can't have been a particularly exciting leaf as it just left it there when TYK looked up and went off to find another. Found TB instead and helped it follow an intriguing scent which led them a long way away. TYK continued watching Myself and as I was slightly worried they might get lost quickly joined them on the far side of the allotment.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Retribution Will Come

Myself is Miffed. Very.
And Cross. Also very.
Annoyed. Very very.
And Highly Irritated. Extremely.

Was out in His greenhouse last night, digging - and politely filling - a hole in the soft earth (Far too wet and muddy in the garden after all the rain) and I know He saw Myself in there. Saw. And then closed the door.

Was shut in all night.

Retribution Will Come.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Not Understood

Myself and OLAHF spent a long time watching TYK yesterday. It just sits outside. And sits. And sits. And occasionally shouts but then gurgles and stops when hit by whatever it is She keeps in the jug by the kitchen door. In the pouring rain again yesterday it was just sitting. Dripping. And appearing rather disconsolate. Triste in fact. (French again.)

TB finally went to its back fence and wuffed. A small yellow head turned to look, a tiny pink mouth opened silently, and then it looked away again.

This situation requires Much Thought.

In the meantime OON is still scrubbing out his hens every day. It stopped raining in the afternoon so WOONN came out too. Brought a big bottle and they were perfectly happy for a while. Was quite funny later when they then tried to powder the chickens again. Definitely Chickens 1, Neighbours 0. They eventually went back indoors. Covered with more grey powder than had landed on the chickens.

Had a Horrid Happening early this morning. Went out onto the allotment just as the dawn was starting, in order to Check Things. All was calm and quiet and as it should be - and then Myself Saw It: One of the fruit bushes was glowing. Positively Glowing in the half light. Gave Myself quite a Nasty Turn. Have now removed most of the gooseberry twigs and prickles from My fur. Pushed the broken bits underneath where He might possibly miss seeing them.

Saturday, September 06, 2008


Still raining all day yesterday but TYK was undeterred and shouted and bellowed at the top of its tiny lungs. Several times. Then gurgled and stopped when She threw the contents of the jug at it. By the end of the afternoon there was silence. Maybe it is learning Not To Do It. (Had a sneak look through a hole in the fence and it was just sitting there on the path, wringing wet and with drips falling from its soggy whiskers. Why?)

And He was in trouble last night. Came in from the garden and trod on the damp patch left after OLAHF's Mistake With the Butterfly. Unfortunately He had mud all over His shoes and dinner was rather late as She spent more time cleaning that particular spot. This morning it is much much cleaner than the rest of the carpet and She is murmuring about carpet cleaning men.

Friday, September 05, 2008


ONN was out there in the rain yesterday - Again - Scrubbing out his hen house - Again - and muttering darkly - Again. But this time He had brought along a bottle of something from which he drank intermittently. By the time he had finished the cleaning he was no longer muttering but humming.

Myself does not know what it is She hurls over the fence every time TYK starts its shouting, but it makes it gurgle and then it stops bellowing. She keeps it in a jug by the back door. (Mental note to go see. Carefully. Would be far beneath My dignity to be heard to gurgle.)

OLAHF is in disgrace: Now it no longer does Topmost Speed with TYK in tow it has had to find other sources of amusement. Yesterday a beautiful butterfly meandered gracefully into My kitchen. Myself was gently admiring it (Character always tells) but OLAHF was after it in no time at all. Sad to say a gentle breeze carried it just out of reach over the kitchen table. Had OLAHF thought to ask, Myself could have told it never to attempt anything energetic on My table. (But even with all its silly papers proving its breeding it still doesn't have much sense and acts on impulse every time.) The cleaning lady polishes that table with much effort every week and the surface is like glass. But unfortunately OLAHF didn't ask. After She had helped OLAHF out of the kitchen She picked up the bits and pieces and rubbed the carpet vigorously. There is still a slight stain this morning.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Glorious Silence

Every time WOONN's chickens shake themselves there is a positive Dust Storm. Grey powder everywhere. They looked rather fed up about it all especially as they had to wait outside in the rain while ONN cleaned out the hen house again yesterday afternoon (He wore the pink gloves this time. Very fetching) - but not half as fed up as ONN himself. Muttered continuously as he worked.

TYK stayed in its own garden after getting flattened by Myself and TB. No lure appeared from under the fence, but it sat and bellowed for several hours. Is not entirely sure why it suddenly stopped with a gurgle around tea-time (Jelly snack. Bingo! At long last She is starting to get it right. And high time too. Made Myself almost sorry I left a big fur ball on Her side of the bed yesterday after the Happening with TYK) when She went out with a jug and threw something over the fence.

OLAHF and TB were very happy to spend time with each other again. OLAHF washed the beagle's ears for ages where they had dragged on the ground as TB followed one of its interminable scents. (Never actually finds anything but seems to enjoy searching.)

Yesterday evening was Tres Joli (French again) : The rain had stopped and We 3 lay under My cherry tree listening to the gentle sounds around us. NO TYK!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Unheard Of Happenings

Oh dear oh dear. WOONN became hysterical - Her chickens have got red mites. (From her reaction Myself think she considers that any creature belonging to her is simply Not Allowed to get anything remotely nasty.) ONN had to come out with a big glass of wine to calm her down. Then another one as the first hadn't quite worked. They sat on the bench and considered the problem. Finally she sent him out to buy disinfectant (lots and lots) from the vets and several brushes and mops. Then the pair of them let the chickens out one by one and powdered them all over. (Good teamwork - She invited one out, he grabbed and shoved its head into a plastic bag and she donned pink rubber gloves and powdered generously.) Then they scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed the hen house. (And she did too - Unheard of.) Unfortunately their neighbour (He of the BBC's) was less than impressed that her mangy and thickly powdered birds were hobnobbing with his healthy ones and a Slight Altercation ensued.

After the show had finished TB and Myself went to see what TYK was up to. (Silence is always worrying.) We Did Not Believe Our eyes. There was the little horror, sitting on My doorstep, eating from one of My antique Worcester Royal Lily dishes, and from the look of it She had given it My jelly snack. And it was purring while She stroked it. TB and Myself looked long and hard into each other's eyes and saw What To Do.

TYK was distinctly flattened and had great trouble getting out from underneath. Then its tiny paws slipped in the jelly and it bumped its little head on the floor and emitted a pained squawk. Lost its footing going up the steps too which meant We could both thump it again. Escaped and disappeared. We utterly ignored Her and all the squawks She was making and cleaned the jelly off the carpet (slightly furry but extremely tasty) and then went to visit OLAHF.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Myself Does Not Like TYK

Myself must admit that I Do Not Like TYK. Might look all sweet, young and innocent but it hides a Horrid Heart. Why otherwise, when it knows Myself cannot stand the Awful Noises it makes does it stop racing around right by My side and then sits and produces these Appalling Sounds? Pausing occasionally to look and check the effect it is having.

OLAHF is beginning to look less than its erstwhile healthy, albeit very hairy, self. Is distinctly tatty and wind-blown as all this topmost speed is not good for it - When it is allowed to stop it merely lies down to recover instead of tidying its fur.

Yesterday She came out to see what was going on and complain about Her broken plants. TB (who just happened to be passing at the time) and OLAHF got well and truly told off - But TYK only had to look at Her and open its salmon pink mouth. (Silently for once as it was terribly out of breath.) Was scooped up in one hand and cuddled, mooned over, scrubbled and stroked. Gross.

OLAHF, TB and Myself went off to watch the chickens.

Monday, September 01, 2008


Yesterday Myself thought Things Could Not Get Worse. And for once Myself was Completely Wrong. The Topmost Speed Antics continue - through the flowers (She is running out of vases for the broken ones;) along the allotment paths (He has been tripped up several times;) and in and out of the vegetables (though this is not the preferred option as a runner bean pole when hit at ferocious speed stands its ground.) And as if this Not Enough to put up with TYK has started The Noises again: Can't make a sound when galloping but as soon as it stops ....... Rather out of breath admittedly but still Utterly Ghastly. Sits its tiny furry rump on the ground, raises its sweet little face and opens its delicate salmon pink mouth. Wide.

TB remains dejected as OLAHF appears to have forgotten its erstwhile friend entirely in favour of TYK.