The TYK grows in strength daily. Was up to patting a small dried leaf OLHF brought round. Not very far admittedly and as soon as it was out of reach it lay down again, but We all took the Thought For The Deed.
He spent few happy hours clearing out the greenhouse. And discovered various live things st the same time: A couple of mice (neatly removed by OLAHF), a very large cantankerous frog (hurriedly ignored by Myself), and a toad (TB wouldn't listen and then wished it had as toads taste perfectly gross), not to mention the usual horde of spiders and other hangers on. She came out and after falling down the rat diggings rescued various tomatoes which They ate last night in a sauce. (Rather spoiled the meat in My opinion but They seemed to enjoy it.)
One of them next door ventured out onto the allotment but went back in when he found he was being steadily regarded by several pairs of unfriendly eyes.