In My opinion He must be having the Worst Week of His life for a very long time:
He knocked down a small part of the bedroom ceiling when He banged on it to make OLAHF move off and She was furious 'cos a piece of ceiling fell on Her in the night.
Upheaval in the bedroom involving re-plastering, painting and today, shopping for new carpet and curtains. (He loathes shopping.)
TB has completely destroyed His prized compost heap in an effort to find the 3 dead rats that He had put elsewhere anyway. In an effort to prevent TB digging it all up.
OLAHF keeps tripping Him up in the mornings when He goes out to feed the chickens. 'Tis too dark to see a very hairy grey mog which can sit motionless for ages, waiting for another rat to show its pointy nose. The allotment is thus covered in chicken food which is attracting pheasants from all around which wake Him up with incessant shouts of Food, More Food much too early for His liking.
And the rats have chomped small nibbles out of the apples and pears He was storing in one of the sheds.
And He has just realised that He will either miss the Grand Prix qualifying or the Rugby when He has to take Her shopping.