Wonderful theatre yesterday!
SOF is returned! And how......
Taxi disgorged her out front and was treated to a diatribe about the pigeon mess on her car. Poor guy couldn't get away fast enough. (Nearly put the vicar in the ditch when he reversed rather too fast while turning the cab around.)
Front door banged hard and there was quiet for a while. And then.....
She saw the back garden.
If it weren't for the Drenching With Cold Water some days ago, Myself would almost feel sorry for her. The Kamikaze Squirrels have dug all over the lawn. (Same lawn that she had relayed to rid it of 3 daisy plants last year.) And somehow, not totally sure how but TB looks terribly satisfied, a large hole has appeared in the back hedge and there are
Bunnie droppings everywhere in the garden. And not a great deal left of parts of her flower borders. Myself had been wondering what TB was up to after noticed it sitting by the back fence for several hours from early morning onwards yesterday.
Life is Good.