They shouldn't have shut Myself in all day: If She had given Me a nicer breakfast there would have been no need to leave some of it on the sofa cushions in the conservatory. And being sick would not have prompted a big gummy
fur ball. (Also left in the conservatory.) And My tail would not have lashed at His seedlings. (Rather a large mess that. Took hours to clean My beautiful tail.) All because They wouldn't let Myself assist the tiny baby birds which can't fly properly as yet.
In to My garden first thing yesterday. But the baby birds had managed to get to the top of the trees so had no need of My help. Parents made a lot of noise as Myself walked past - Must be tyring to thank Me for My concern.
ONN's wife (
WOONN) has
acquired 3 chickens. And the biggest, poshest, swankiest house for them Myself has ever seen: 2 storeys, wonderfully finished off with counter sunk
screws (brass) and painted (delicate green,) ramp (which lets up and down by means of an ingenious pulley with bright blue plaited string,) polished nesting box, brand
new (expensive of course) water container and feed tray, and 4 carrying handles. The new inmates spent most of yesterday upstairs kicking out the wood shavings down the ramp. Then scratching the grass to get rid of the mess. Only succeeded in making it worse. When she came out to murmur endearments all they heard was a gasp and a bellow for
ONN's My Man to come clear it up and move the house. Had to get
ONN out as well as the house is much too heavy for 2 people to move. During the course of this the chickens all escaped.
T'was most entertaining to watch the 3 of them trying to round up 3 birds which did not want to go back to their posh house and really only wished they could be left alone to scratch i
n the earth and have dust baths and other generally mucky things that chickens like.
Was exhausted by all that chasing around so went to snooze in the conservatory. Sofa was still damp from where She had washed it so settled down beneath the cherry tree instead.